Wall Painting

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- Description:
- Wall painting from the Faras* Cathedral depicting the nativity scene, displayed in the Sudan National Museum in Khartoum. See Michalowski 1967, pages 64-65.
Faras* is a major city in Lower Nubia. The site of the city, on the border between modern Egypt and Sudan at Wadi Halfa Salient, was flooded by Lake Nasser in the 1960s and is now permanently underwater.
- Country location:
- Sudan
- Exact location:
- Faras
- Collection:
- Sudan Archaeological Research Society > Greenlaw Collection
- Media type:
- Photographic 35mm Slide
- Topics:
- Archaeology
- Contributor:
- Sudan Archaeological Research Society (SARS)
- Sudan Memory ID:
- SAR-0001491
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