Mahdi correspondence. Copyright National Records Office.
Mahdi correspondence. Copyright National Records Office.


Mahdi correspondence. Copyright National Records Office.
National Records Office

A collection of Mahdia documents, manuscripts, and images.

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʾUthmān Diqna to Abū Qarja

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿAbd Allāh Abū Bakr to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿAwaḍ al-Karīm Kāfūt and Khalid ʿUmar to ʿUthmān Diqna Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿAwaḍ al-Karīm Faḍl Allāh Kāfūt to ʿUthmān Diqna

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from Muḥammad al-Amīn al-Ḥājj Saʿīd to ʿUthmān Diqna Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from al-Bashīr ʿAbd al-Rasūl and al-ʿAwaḍ Raḥma to ʿUthmān Diqna Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿAwaḍ al-Karīm Fāḍl Allāh Kāfūt to ʿUthmān Diqna Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abūnā Jumʿa and the people of his banner, ʿAdlān walad Nāʾil Abū Sinn, his brothers and followers to ʿUthmān Diqna Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

Letter from ʿUthmān Diqna to the Khalīfa

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