Youth and Sports, No. 72, 17 June 1978. Copyright National Records Office.
Al-Khartoum, No. 7, April 1968. Copyright National Records Office.


Youth and Sports, No. 72, 17 June 1978. Copyright National Records Office.
National Records Office

A range of publications dating from the 1930s to 1980s.

Sudanese Literature and the Feasibility of School Partition in Realism Osman Abdullah 'Ajami

Dr. Muhammad Hussein Abu-Sim, Cultural Diversity and the Trend towards Unity in Sudan

Muhammad Muhyi al-din Abd al-Qadir, Sudanese Theatre - The Roots and the Modern

Cultural complexes and centers in Sudan Mohammed Saeed Ahmed

On the Trajectory of Sudan's Drama Fath Al-Rahman Abd al-Aziz

Ibrahim Ishaq Ibrahim 'The Emotional Surrounding the Ego in Seven Sudanese Novels'

Jum'a Jabir 'The Arab Influence on Folk Music in the City of Al-Fashir'

Cotton Magazine: Monthly Cultural Economic Journal - Published by the Department of Publicity and External Relations of the General Cotton Corporation, No. 20, December 1977

Sheikh Farah Wad Taktuk 'Cotton Oasis'. The Cotton, Issue 20, December 1977, Pg. 22

Ja'far Sirr Al-Khatim Úthman 'The Cotton Library: Fluctuations in the world prices of Sudanese cotton' The Cotton Magazine, No 20, December 1977, Pg 41-44

Izz Al-Din Murad Sharaf, 'Cotton Studies: Cotton In Its Various Stages and the Scientific Know-How of Its Preparation', Library, The Cotton Magazine, No. 20, December 1977, Pg. 50-53

Hamid Hasan Bashir 'Marketing Our Cotton Against the Extant Challenges', The Cotton Magazine, No. 22, Pg. 1

'Interview With Mr. Bashir Ibrahim Ishaq, Chairman of the Higher Administration of the General Cotton Corporation', Cotton Magazine, No. 22, Pg. 7-11

'Abu Al Qasim Abdul Rahim's Speech: Director of Cotton Storehouses in Port Sudan', Al-Nahda Magazine, No. 22, Pg.16

Amin Mustafa Al-Tinay 'An Interview with Mr. Bashir Ibrahim', The Cotton Magazine, No. 22, December, Pg. 27

'Sudanese Modular Cotton Boxes and Combing Samples have Gained the Applause of the Liverpool International Cotton Federation', The Cotton, No. 22, December, Pg. 36

Hamed Osman Bashir 'Literature, Art, Human Existence and its Relationship to Production' The Cotton, No. 22

Mr. Dahmoush 'Cotton Quintal is More Expensive than Debalan' , The Cotton, No. 22

Field studies of the global cotton markets, in preparation for the marketing of Sudanese cotton, The Cotton, Issue 22, Page No. 49

Abdul Qadir Mohammed Omar 'Cotton Studies', The Cotton, No. 22, December, Pg. 52

Tourism and Hotels Foundation, The Cotton, Issue 22, Page No. 63

'Dinder National Park', The Cotton, No. 22

'Sudanese Color Photography Laboratories', The Cotton, No. 22

'Symposium on Improving The Preparation of Sudanese Cotton', The Cotton, No. 22, Pg. 2-4

Mohammed Al Hassan Osman 'Sudanese Cotton Advertising Planning', The Cotton, No. 24, Pg. 20 - 22

'A Glimpse from Port Sudan Stores (cotton series from cultivation to export)', The Cotton, No. 24, Pg. 23 - 24

Hussein Al-Shafi' Abdul Rahman 'Sudanese Cotton Preparation and Opinion for Traders and Spinning Laborers, The Cotton, No. 24, Pg. 28

'Editorial on Port Sudan Conference on The Elimination of Foreign Trade Barriers', The Cotton, No. 26, Pg. 6

'International Economy' The Cotton, No. 26, Pg. 43

'Cotton Journal: An Economic Reference at the University of Khartoum' The Cotton, No. 26, Pg. 56

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