The History of Sports and Football in Sudan. Copyright National Records Office.
The History of Sports and Football in Sudan. Copyright National Records Office.


The History of Sports and Football in Sudan. Copyright National Records Office.
National Records Office

A range of fictional and factual books about or from Sudan.

A Guide to Hunting in the Sudan

The Sudan under the New Agreement (Government Press, Cairo, 1953)

M.T. Routes in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan

The Ahmadiyya Album, 1936

Papers regarding the recent negotiations for an Anglo–Egyptian Settlement March 3 - May 8, 1930, Egypt No.1 (1930)

Notes on a Journey through the Sudan: April 4th to May 10th 1953 by Professor Frank Debenham

'Greek Influence in the Valley of the Blue Nile' with a Survey of the Historical Backgrounds (Sudan Historical Studies, Note No.1), 1945

Irrigation & Power in the Sudan

From the Round Table: the Youngest Republic, Independence of the Sudan (March 1956)

G.W.BELL, Some examples of Arabic slang used in the Sudan, Sudan Notes and Records, Volume 34, Part 2, 1953

Notes on the Gezira Irrigation Project: the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, January 1926.

The Sub-Māmūr's Handbook: Lectures on the Penal, Criminal Procedure and Civil Codes, and Notes on Accounts, Agriculture, Forestry, Sanitation, & c. (London, McCorquodale & Co., Ltd., 1926)

D. W. Malcolm, Report on Gum and Gum Arabic (Government Printer, Dar Es Salaam, 1936)

The Sudan: A Record of Progress 1898–1947

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (H.M. Stationery Office, London, 1920)

James Hornell, The Outrigger–Nuggar of the Blue Nile, 1938

Sudan Almanac (H.M. Stationery Office, London, 1913)

Sudan Government, Companies Ordinance, 1925

Agricultural Handbook containing Ordinances, Regulations, Orders and Notices (McCorquodale & Co., Khartoum, 1926)

Medieval Nubia: Museum Pamphlet No. 2 (Sudan Antiquities Service, Khartoum, 1954)

Handbook of Khartoum Province

Sudan Customs Handbook 1926

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