Journain, the Flute Man. Copyright Sudan Community Museums.
Journain, the Flute Man. Copyright Sudan Community Museums.

Sudan Community Museums

Opening event, South Darfur Museum. Copyright Sudan Community Museums.
Western Sudan Community Museums

The Western Sudan Community Museums (WSCM) project focuses on three museums damaged by conflict and neglect, that represent the shared history, geography and culture of the Western Sudan: the Khalifa House and Bramble House in Omdurman, Khartoum; the Sheikan Museum, El Obeid, North Kordofan; and the Darfur Museum, Nyala, South Darfur. The WSCM project is helping Sudan’s National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums (NCAM) restore and care for the museums and their collections in a sustainable way. The aims are to safeguard the heritage the museums represent and promote their role as civic spaces for community use, education and cultural events that promote peace and understanding within the complex societies of modern Sudan. 

The WSCM project has been funded by the British Council Cultural Protection Fund and Aliph Foundation 2018-21, running in partnership with NCAM, ICCROM, British Institute in Eastern Africa, Mallinson Architects, Department of Archaeology and Cambridge Heritage Research Centre, University of Cambridge.

Sudan Memory has collaborated with WSCM since 2018, providing equipment and training in scanning, photography and data entry for each of the three museums, enabling the recording and cataloguing of the museum collections. Samples of the recorded collection of each of the three WSCM museums are available to view within the Sudan Memory NCAM collections. A number of photographs and 52 short films recorded as part of the WSCM project are available to view here.

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