Green Snake specimen. Copyright University of Khartoum.
Green Snake specimen. Copyright University of Khartoum.

Sudan Natural History Museum

Green Snake specimen. Copyright University of Khartoum.
University of Khartoum

The University of Khartoum’s Natural History Museum, located within the university’s central Khartoum campus, was first opened in 1929 as part of the previous Gordon Memorial College. The museum contains different types of birds, reptiles and marine creatures, which are displayed live or mummified, with brief information about each animal, its areas of existence and its scientific and local name. Some of the museum’s first samples were collected during Sudan’s colonial era from various regions of Sudan, including South Sudan. The museum is considered a representative of the natural environments in Sudan.

In collaboration with Sudan Memory since 2018, the total Natural History Museum collection has been digitised through mostly photographic recordings.

Khartoum, Sudan


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