Colonial era map, Red Sea Hills locality, 2020. Photo by Kate Ashley.
Colonial era map, Red Sea Hills locality, 2020. Photo by Kate Ashley.

Red Sea Region Collections

Colonial era map, Red Sea Hills locality, 2020. Photo by Kate Ashley.
Beja Cultural Studies Centre

Following the collaboration and training with Sudan Memory in 2020, the Beja Cultural Studies Centre team have collaborated with the owners of a number of local personal collections and with institutional collections from Port Sudan and the surrounding Red Sea region. The team have worked to digitise these collections and to record the collection information. These collections range from historic legal case documents and land registrations to various documents and inscriptions, historic photographs, intangible heritage practices and folklore, and a range of documents belonging to the Tokar Delta Project management. What is presented here is a selection of scanned materials that showcase these collections. For more information on these collections, please contact the collection contributor (Beja Cultural Studies Centre).

Content from this collection will be available soon.

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