SPLA entry into Juba. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum.
SPLA entry into Juba. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum.

Leben Nelson Moro

SPLA entry into Juba. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum.
Pitt Rivers Museum

Dr Leben Nelson Moro (1959-) is from Kajokeji in South Sudan. As a doctoral student at the Department of International Development, University of Oxford, he carried out fieldwork in the oil areas of Southern Sudan 2005-2006, and donated a selection of his field photographs to the Pitt Rivers Museum. His research focused on oil exploration in the southern region and its connection to conflict and displacement, and his photographs are related to these concerns. His photos also document some significant events in Southern Sudanese history, such as the return of the SPLA to Juba in December 2005 and the ceremonies held in Malakal in July 2006 to mark the anniversary of the death of John Garang. Dr Leben Nelson Moro became Associate Professor at the University of Juba in 2018.

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